Ioana Hincu

COVID19. Real doctors versus the political establishment of medicine. ER doctor’s Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi censored by YouTube and Facebook, depriving the public of useful information

In Dubii on aprilie 30, 2020 at 2:15 am

Two days ago I  posted on Facebook the press conference of the American (California) ER doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care with the folowing text and links from youtube:

Ioana Hincu
April 27 at 2:39 PM (GMT + 2, Romania time)

Real doctors, not ‘experts’, that is medical doctors who also happen to be very articulate, smart, coherent and aware about society and politics, say:

– this [what is going on with the lock down] is not about science [medical science], it’s about control

– same as influenza

– no need to shelter in place anymore

– these are data, not models; actual science

-isolation weakens the immune system; rather have a population with strong immune system to fight the virus than one with weak immunity that will go out, catch the virus and get very sick from it in addition with other infectious diseases

-yes, COVID19 may be more contagious than the influenza viruses, but that doesn’t change the previous statements and their recommendations

-they are talking to other ER doctors pressured to inflate the number of COVID19 deaths

– they are actually treating pacient vor decades, dr Fauci hasn’t for decades

– academics is different from reality; medicine has to be practiced; they are practicians with several clinics

-intubation doesn’t save lives in this case; ventilators in large amounts proved to be unnecessary – and if you end up in ICU and intubated you were already health-compromised before COVID19

– after comparing public data from countries with no lock down/shelter in place and very little social distancing with countries with severe lock down/shelter in place, they noticed the differences between the number of deaths is not significant

-actual data – reliable public data, from reliable Western countries and US – show the initial models that predicted a very hight mortality rate were very wrong [much wider spread, less mortality rate, around zero point or zero zero point something]

– never before in the history of pandemics healthy people have been quarantined; quarantine is for the sick

So, in a nutshell, they were stating what many others doctors and careful observers are saying all over the world (included those I previously quoted on this page), but most do not listen:

1. it’s not about medical science, but about the politics of controlling people/population through fear

2. shelter in place does more harm than good in all respects and makes no sense

3. COVID19 outbreaks/pandemics should be/should have been treated exactly like the influenza outbreaks/pandemics

4. the only actual difference between this virus and other viruses (that yes, are causing unfortunate deaths in a small percentage of the population) is this: it’s a new virus which has been politicized and weaponized against the general public to cause panic and ease government control under the claim of safety.

It’s in human nature to fear novelty and the unknown. It’s also in human nature of many to cave in to fear and manipulation. Please, don’t anymore. Just face reality and deal with it such as it is:

Life is a journey full of risks. This virus is just one of so many and actually less life-threatening than many other daily enemies. When you agree to give up your main strenght – that is the individual freedom and responsability for your own life – in exchange for the illusion of government-provided safety, chances are your life will be much shorter and more endangered precisely by those who want total control over you while pretending it’s for your safety.
you should watch part 2 of their press confernce also;

This was my post with links from YouTube. After 2 days, on the 29th of April 2020, I was notified by readers that YouTube has removed the videos. I checked the links. It was indeed so: the two videos of the entire presss conference were removed from the links and on the screen appeared the traditional Politically Correct message: This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s community guidelines – you may check the links above. The link  with their conference – they had one – also disappeared from Facebook.

Not exactly surprising this rapid censorship. That’s why, to the misfortune of YouTube and Facebook, some of us, who stay up to date and make the difference between reality and fantasy, or between real experts [honest, reliable medical doctors also practicians] versus official experts [political burreaucrats with political biases and agenda], have downloaded immediately the videos and archived them, suspecting something like that may happen.

As I also suspected – those PC devotees are so predictable – an official campaign of smearing against the two doctors will start in order to silence them and bury their expertise along with the valuable information they offered to the general public all over the world. And it did.

Yes, I archived their press conference in my computers. Others did it too, so you can  watch it here, on the American Institute of Economic Research AIER’s page (cautious people) if you missed the opportunity. Actually, you should do it, for your own benefit:

Open Up Society Now, Say Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi

Yes, you should watch and listen carefully and entirely what those two experienced, articulate, honest and brave medical doctors are saying following  real data and  real science. Why? Because the only thing that these two violate is the official guidelines and sermons of the leftist governors in US, along with the guidelines of dr Fauci and other official ‘experts’ which have been proven to be less medical experts and more political experts in manipulation throuhg extreme fear. A very inconvenient and politically incorrect truth, indeed. Also, a very useful piece of sanitary and pandemic education for all of us.

I strongly recommend watching carefully the entire press conference, then save the transcript for re-reading. A valuable lesson in many respects, which includes public communication.

  1. […] Totuși, în aprilie, logica, datele realității și știința pe care experții-vedetă ar fi trebuit s-o știe din facultate, le demascau impostura demonstrând că modelele și recomandările lor primitive erau (din nou) greșite sau, după caz, criminale. […]


  2. A republicat asta pe Blog de biolog.


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